Change: Mas34 is in charge

The first change is free.

Steps to follow so that Seur collects the package and delivers it to the Mas34 office:

1. Fill out the following form. Give us your email, order number and
model/size/color you want to exchange it for.

2. DON’T FORGET to click on “request Seur pick-up” to schedule the date, time and address. Remember that you can select a Seur point so you don’t have to wait for them at home.

3. Place the box inside the Seur bag that we sent you with the shoes, protect it, close it and write your name and phone number, as well as MAS34PISA FUERTE and 652532513. If you choose a delivery point instead of collecting it at your home, you must show the QR code or print the label that Seur sends you when you fill in your details.

4. Once we receive your package, we will notify you by email confirming the change and Seur will deliver it to you within 24 hours.

Please remember to check our website for availability of the model and size you wish to exchange. To do this, you must see if you can add it to your cart. If it is not available, please contact us and we will let you know if we will receive it soon.

Only 1 change per model will be accepted. If you want to make several changes,
We will refund it and you will have to buy a new pair.


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